Monday 21 September 2015

Life in session

How do you expect to learn if you cannot be taught? I recall the many times I kept saying and still say,"It's not my thing". The reason for always using such words is to talk not only myself from doing it but to talk the person telling rather asking me to do it know that I have already blocked the idea out. So I am writing out my weakness in the hope of actually righting it. I am not going to or bring asked to fall inlove with the task but the reason why they entrusted me with it in the first place was because they knew I would deliver and deliver it well.

So am not going to block out suggestions even though they are not what am used to but I will gladly take it up because someone is willing to not only ask for my help but entrust me to deliver.  It is an honor having yo go to bed knowing I made a difference in someone's life.

You are all probably wondering what got me going tonight. Well it's tea! I do not care for any cup as long as it's not milk I have already blocked the idea out. I don't mind preparing a meal for an entire family of ten or more or doing the dishes after but having to prepare a cup of tea feels like I am being forced to wear two inch heels. Like are you kidding me? This is Africa to be specific Kenya and Kenyans love their tea but I don't unless it's on a cold day. What ever happened to offering people a glass of water? Yes, let's bring that back!

For the sake of those I care and around me, I am starting today going to start liking the idea of preparing tea and serving it with a smile on my face. I used to be this selfless girl but when I realised that people took advantage of my kindness I joined the selfish crowd. Who knows perhaps my future has tea lots of it coming...... oh boy! I am going to purchase a kiss the cook apron just to motivate me.

Tea anyone?

And that is my #RealityCheck

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