Monday 17 August 2015


It's hard to find a real lady this days but you know what is even harder finding rather a real man making his way towards you. The only time men and women agree is when they are high either on each other or on other substances. 

Allow me to use " finding" for now though I am old fashioned and believe in being sought after. So "finding" a man who can be himself around you is nothing short of a miracle. I am not talking about the class clown who never knows when to switch up the play . I am talking about a legible gentleman who is willing to be himself around a lady. Or does it take a special lady to unveil the big reveal *laughs*. 

I have been fortunate enough to "come across" such men. In a way am always attracted if not attracting them with who I am as a person. Men are always complaining of how we ladies have become so "fake" from out hair to our veins . It's as though we are lying to be perfect and by that I mean we are selling them an idea of who we want them to love us by while in real sense we are the complete opposite. 

As for having "fake" hair , on my part I can explain. I am easily bored by hair. I have hair after all am not bald but having to relax it every month is too obvious for me. The reason why I advocate for the extra"lie" is because it makes us feel good about ourselves. I could be having a lousy day but the minute my hair is done, I feel as though I am cat woman. Very attractive and confident. 

Men are real but getting one to be himself when you are around is like chasing after the wind . Well it feels that way. I am not talking about the "show" they put on just to get you to give in but how about you let your guard down . I am not talking about him friend zoning you where he only tells you because he sees you like one of the guys but how about you let me see the real you. 

Well for now that is my #RealityCheck 

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