Wednesday 26 August 2015

My 11:50am

It's a shame that we are always looking for inspiration everywhere else but never in the people who stayed when everyone else left. We always complain of how things are not looking up while we are the ones looking down on the blessings in our lives. How can you ask for more when you barely notice the plenty already surrounding you. 

Life rather real life events have opened my eyes. The baggages we already have and the ones we always want to drag along to new places are part of the reason why more is never enough. 

If you want that good man ladies you have got to stop dragging your bad experiences with bad men in the already positive atmosphere. Gentlemen if you want that one of a kind lady you have got to change your mindset and game plan. New strategy. If she is worth it she will be worth the struggle. Don't settle for the already readily available lady who appeared just when you hit the jack pot. 

Easy come easy go. You invest so much in getting ahead only to realize that what you should have been doing was appreciate and give a little more attention to what life has presented you. There is what you go for and what life has presented you. Whatever you decide know that time will not sit still on the other side waiting for you. 

And that is my #RealityCheck 

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