Monday 17 August 2015

Imperfectly perfect

Everyone is working on perfecting what is already imperfectly perfect to another. Like the saying goes," one man's poison is another's treasure". Don't allow someone's insecurity make you doubt who you are. If they can't see it then how is that your problem. God did not need their approval so why are we so keen to seek the opinion of others?

I am an African lady. Though at times I find nothing African about myself. Don't get me wrong I just tend no I believe I have different ways of coping with life. I don't mind going out and having a good time but I would gladly trade it in for a good night sleep. I don't mind going out on a date but I prefer staying indoors and watching rather rewatching old movies. 

So when a man says you are not like other ladies is that a good thing or bad? Personally, I don't see what the rest of "those" ladies have to do with me. Did you expect to use the same tools to repair this "machine"? 

I am imperfectly perfect just the way I am and the day I will be uncomfortable in my own skin, I will gladly let you know. If I am not trying to change you, why are you trying to fix what is not broken? What makes you an expert regarding my life? You can't live your life and mine as well. 

Let's not change people and live or learn to accept them as they are. If not then change yourself. 

And that is my #RealityCheck 

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