Sunday 30 August 2015

The prodigal son

Isolation is the last step before destruction. I am about to foretell what is about to happen. Your downfall will come as a surprise to many but not me. I know where your heart is but you have always had the wrong attitude. I admire your courage and efforts but only a mothers love can save you this time. If she can pray for your soul, God will have mercy on you. 

Humble yourself young man and God will take you places no eyes have seen it ears have heard. If only you would pay attention to God and not the gifts you have been entrusted in. You have celebrated the blessings more than the one who honored you. 

You will be fine in the end for you will learn the hard way. This is not just a blog this Sunday afternoon. This is my heartfelt story for what is already happening behind the scenes. Seek God and he will guide you on your way back home. 

The prodigal son. That is who I call you. I hope you read this sooner than later. No one can get to you because you think you know and have it all. All that is about to change. 

And that is my #RealityCheck 

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