Tuesday 11 August 2015

Switch back on

Like any other human being I have bad days and days when I don't even want to get up. No not suicidal thoughts no but I just want to laze around and allow my emotions take complete control. The thing about allowing your emotions get the best of you is that snapping back to reality is a struggle. You might end up brain dead if not careful. It's like you are shutting down your brain and just surviving on "whatever". That is the difference between men and women. Men never show their emotions and never reason based on how they feel but rather on facts. That is how they manage to keep it together. 

Being human we all switch off at one point. It doesn't mean it's the end of the world. You can but how do you wire your emotions and allow your head take complete control of the rest of your body? Your emotions trigger imaginations  to your head and then is when you loose it. All sorts of negative emotions are released .... Uncertainty, jealousy , insecurity and slowly you are on the right track to becoming mad. 

One major reason why one would encounter a major emotional breakdown is because of holding on too long to what if and what could have been. When you don't forgive yourself and others the guilt slowly destroys you and holds you back. 

I will leave you with this ," Even new cars break down and sometimes you are forced to walk. 

And that is my #RealityCheck 

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