Monday 24 August 2015


Let me start by saying that I am proud of myself. If yesterday was a test honestly speaking on a personal level I failed miserably but on a challenge one, I out dis myself. I brought down those self made walls termed as shy. 

I used to be a social happy human being now am only happy sometimes and as for making new friends well you could say that ship drowned along with the titanic. I only go for the casual hi and bye and major in going silent on the party that I least approve of. I could come off as arrogant but in real sense am distancing myself to listen to my inner voice. Should I trust you? Can I trust you? That is why I always leave room for serendipity. You have my attention so go ahead and do you. 

I knew August had some hidden fun in it but if I was going to enjoy it I would have to go out of my comfort zone. Who wants to do that? Definitely not me. Yes I always convince myself there is plenty of time to have fun after having invested and accomplished. Then it hit me. I had four months to a new year. My life is on the right track but I can do more. 

In preparation of the good times ahead, I am planning on bringing down more self made barrier. I feel guilty for enjoying myself. For people who are used to routines trying to squeeze in change can lead to misunderstandings. 

I am glad I took a step of faith. I also learnt that when you sarcrifice, it pays off. Did it pay off, you will have to wait and see .

And that is my #RealityCheck 

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