Sunday 16 August 2015


I always pictured that getting pregnant while single the minute the doctor would break it down that ,"congratulations you are pregnant" my life would be over and if the same doctor confirmed the same news after having been swept off my feet by my dream man and being married in church that that would be the happiest day of my entire life. Those two scenes have one thing in common me. 

It's boy about whether it's the right time or with the right man but in the end it's down to if I am ready to handle such responsibilities? Am I ready to be a mother. Ofcourse every woman at one point in life imagines they will be mothers but sadly the ones who long to own such responsibilities end up barren while the ones ready to run the world end up being " tied down". 

This has nothing to do with if am financially stable or not. If the one am with or end up with is worth the my baby daddy title. To be honest, the way I was raised has so much to do with this personal decision. I always say the man I will end up carrying his child is one special human being. Having believed that, there is a reality check. 

To my future husband, I know you will adore me with everything in you but can you make the ultimate sacrifice of not wanting children. What if am not the problem and you end up being the one who can't give me children will I be contented to be in a childless marriage?   

What if the one for you already has kids would you be willing to settle for them or would you claim to want nothing to do with "baggage" not knowing if your tomorrow will bear fruits?  Aren't children blessings? So what happens if you can't have some or worse don't desire them?

And that is my Sunday #RealityCheck

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