Monday 17 August 2015

Figure it out

How many times have I heard that? But isn't that what we are all supposed to do? By us I mean the grown you and I. At different ages we need different words to keep us going. To keep us motivated if not inspired. 

At 2015 it doesn't matter if you are old enough but it's oftenly thrown to your face as though you were deaf. Figure it out. Know what you want and do it. Everyone is battling their own demons to pause and come help thought yours. Yes, people have changed. If it has nothing to do with them, it's not their business. Well if you are expecting the world to care or take notice please quit while you are ahead. 

To me figure it out screams more of grow up. Like start acting your age if not your weight *laughs* am sorry. Life has taught both young and old to figure it out. If whatever works for you, don't be mad when you want more out of life and it slaps you on the face. There is no room for changing your mind not going with the flow..... Simply just figure it out. All of it! 

And that is my #RealityCheck 

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