Monday 31 August 2015

The Prodigal Son Part II

I urge you my dear reader to never be afraid nor ashamed of sharing your experience. It is never to "out" another person or air your own dirty laundry but someone of us are meant to go through such processes to be a voice. I take my blogging as a positive platform to encourage those who are secretly considering taking their own lives, those who think they are alone in this of which it's not the case and those who are not willing to come to terms with reality. For those of you bored and are looking for something to keep them entertained I deeply apologize for misleading you. Not everything is for everyone and happily in my case this is not your thing either. Sorry!

So now that we got that cleared let's go back to " the lost son". I have already identified my lost case seeing rather testifying that I too was a lost well closed case or so I thought. Nothing just happens. Everything happens for a reason both good and bad. I know much about the bad because at times I feel as though I have been living under a dark grey cloud. It is ever raining and not just raining but heavily. I could sure use some sunshine but it is through the drought that I have come to appreciate it all. 

Ladies, I hear you only appreciate a good man when you have dated a bad man. There is no bad man just that he wasn't ready for your ridiculous awesomeness. In my little blog such words exist. 

It is not up to you to judge the prodigal son especially when you can relate. When you were down and alone what is the one thing you craved for the most? Love, hope and someone to assure you that it gets better. So why are you acting as if you are better than her/him? 

Luke 15:17 " When he came to his senses that is the part I love the most about this story. He/she is not a gone case. Don't turn your back when they need you the most. Borrow afew pointers from Blind Devotion. Hang in there. It gets better.  My secret is simple. I am praying for him reminding God why he deserves a second chance. 

Then comes the selfless part. No am not asking you ladies to be like the bitter brother. You remember how he left and what he has been up to perhaps with other women. But I urge you if your intentions are good and you have a pure heart be like the father and celebrate that he was dead and now he is alive ; he was lost  and now he is found." 

And that is my #RealityCheck 

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