Wednesday 26 November 2014

261 postviewers

Truly humbled that all 261 of you at some point either go through my blogs or wait patiently for me to share my shenanigans. Please do feel free to comment for us to interact. Like I always say writing is my therapy and if any of my posts have helped you in a way I would sure love to hear from you.Know your thoughts and know how to go about it. Know where I need to calm done or work on. As far as my grammar goes please don't expect me to be someone I am not. I just write what I am either experiencing or thinking at the moment.

I am taking this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you beautiful and handsome darlings who have been nothing short of awesome.You matter to me anyway not for me to be popular to be honest I have always been the type to shy away but atleast my writing makes sense to me and on realizing that someone has been going through my words, I feel honored like in some way that is your way of letting me know that I too matter. Thank you.

Always and forever!!!!!!

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