Tuesday 11 November 2014

My very first

Allow me to laugh at myself because what I thought and what I got is sheer entertainment. I always lived in a bubble. If being a dreamer had a face I would be the ambassador no doubt. At a tender age I always knew that one day I would write. Nothing to do with politics or cooking although I can't get enough of my own cooking .... Self confidence people self assurance is the only thing you can reward yourself with for free. Well either that or criticism. 

I never read Nancy Drew books but romantic novels had a way of polishing up my literature. It's not in the way the author wrote the words but how he knew where to place each occurrence as I read along. How his hands .... Her heart throbbed in her throat ... How they both locked themselves in the barn and through their eyes made love without having to undress each other...did I mention it was raining .... It always rained *damn it* 

I knew when I wanted my first kiss and with whom. It happened so fast that I hardly had the time to get my moment to relive what I read years ago. All I can say though, is that he taught me well. To date I have mastered the art of it. Not because I have enrolled in a class but I have learnt the secret is in teaching each other with your spouse.

I was young, curious and immature then but now I want my first date to be perfect .I don't want anything fancy or extra expensive which will leave an echo in your bank account. This is how I view it. Since we are both working and mature why act like a bunch of morons trying to impress each other with layers of make up on on my side and a loan from yours just to make a statement. 

I have maintained myself this far so my problem is not how you will afford me but take over from me having to maintain myself. I want the date simple and meaningful. I just want him to go out of his way creatively and impress me in ways that don't involve money. 

My first date .... I just want it to be about you and me. To not talk about cliche things like where do you work ... Live ... Where you went to campus blah blah blah enough of that madness. Talk of things that will make me laugh. I promise to be myself. Hey I will even show up with a non padded bra *laughs* you know just to be real and myself. 

I want my first date to get you thinking damn she is not what I had in mind leave alone what I go for but I have to keep her in my life. Like seriously where has she been all my life? If that were to happen then to me I will have had a perfect first date where two mature strangers decided to be friends.

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