Tuesday 18 November 2014

You are a fool

To all those men out there who treat women as if they are garbage, you lack integrity, primitive and deserve a place in the wild with the rest of the animals. Who do you think you are making that lady second guess herself just because she doesn't fit you delusional picture? 

If only you were taller or shorter, lighter or darker, a bit curvy or a slender who died and made you God to judge women over things they cannot change? Take a good and long look in the mirror before trying to fix the masterpiece God formed and said,"It is good". Sadly I change my skin complexion or physical appearance to try and fit in your broke world. By broke I mean a life so hollow, shallow and with no character. 

Unfortunately the same lady you are busy making fun of is the very same lady years later you will need to approve a business deal. Life is full of surprises so be very careful how you treat people who tend not to be what you expect them to become.

If you laughing, making fun or bullying me will force God change my situation around and bless me then don't just sit there get right to it. Make me feel as though am worthless. I don't believe in revenge but as karma would have it what you give is what you receive so enjoy my downfall and please ensure I stay down long enough before I get to hear of your unhappily ever after.

Ladies, I beg you do not allow such wastes influence your own opinion about yourself. The right man will love you unconditionally flaws and all. You don't to change anything about you.Just work on being the best you can be and allow life unfold all on its own. The art of time. You may not see it yet but one day you will thank yourself for reading this and using it to finally walk out of that abusive relationship.

Truly, you are a fool if you think you deserve anything less than what life has to offer. 

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