Friday 28 November 2014

Kiss Ass

Until when will you keep bending over and licking people's behind clean? Don't you value yourself wait wrong question so for how long will you continue to be a honey sucker? Yes, your actions are that disgusting. Like don't you ever get tired? Is it that good down there that all you ever think about when you wake up is ass? I hope you are irritated reading this as I am watching this poor lady bend over to kiss another lady's behind just to be in her good books. What books? She is using you to get information and afterwards will like the animal kingdom turn against you and tear you into pieces. Don't you get it, the difference between you and toilet paper is that atleast it is soft. Oh, come on, stop it already.

You poor man who has reduced what was left of your manhood to not only massage the nuts of your fellow species but suck them dry.Goodness, how low can you go? wait lower ....heavens!I know you owe the man and probably your life but not literally you know.He can't have two lives you know. He had your back when no one else left blah blah blah ...okay did you not thank him a gazillion times already?Did you not make it up to him?Lowering your self worth for a fellow human being is not what God had in mind when he said be grateful. There is selflessness and goddamnit man up. Like get your shit together.You owe sure but not like that.

Be your own master. Sure we all have to answer to someone at the end of the day but atleast without the feeling guilt part. Whatever happened to trying it you best shot....not backing down until the task is done. What are we going to prove that indeed by being African we have to be primitive enough to act like baboons? You are right am mad.Mad at these weaklings. Get over it already. Move on. So what they don't like you? That is not the end of the world. At this point in your life they may seem like your everything but I kid you not when I assure you just like you can barely recall the last time you tried to pull a left eye/Nelly patch they too shall be history.You will look back and laugh your heart out.True story.

Ask yourself this, if they are so awesome why do they need you in their lives? If they are so cool and popular why are they so insecure that they need an extra 'eye' to keep an 'eye' on what they assume is theirs?I will tell you why, they are insecure first of all of you. Yes, you are a threat you just don't know it yet. So they have applied the keep your friends close but your enemies closer card on you. Shame on you for being obvious bait. Second of all they are insecure so they need the extra set of eyes to keep them on the know how while they are away working on plan sure you are plan T....terminate soon as they are fed up of your boring shenanigans. 

From my research and observations, why is it that they only invite you when it's convenient ...when they need the extra distraction? I hope someone  who is going through this phase is reading this and is about to set this blog on fire. Welcome to reality.You have been a blind bat for way too long now get up and start living your life...for you.When was the last time you did something for yourself? When did it stop being about you and became all about her/him?Forget where you went wrong and start thinking of how you will make it right with yourself. You already messed everyone else and have no chance of surviving on your own.Yes you did. I am here not to babysit you or help you be in further denial but help you realize where you went wrong and make what is left right.Atleast for you to have clear conscious in December and make a fresh start come 2015.

You are your own boss.Do the right thing. Be a good kisser on the lips or anywhere else on someone else's body but not the Ass.

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