Tuesday 11 November 2014

Simply me... Take it or leave it

I am not a writer or a professional blogger so don't expect perfection or words which will leave you speechless wondering to yourself ," am I that illiterate?" I am in a relationship with Google .... Not that I doubt myself but it's always safe to get a second opinion. 

I tell it like it is even though so many have taken this the wrong way but truth be told I am not responsible for what you hear but rather what I say. To an extent of them asking, " how are you even friends with her?" I will tell you how, by simply walking up to me and saying hi. Let me take it from there. 

While you are busy criticizing others, know that they are busy returning the favor by planning on how to see to it that you not only fail but remain a failure. You may be bad but there are worse and sadists out there. Note to self...NOTED!

I am always myself and that to me is more than enough. Like I always tell gentlemen, if by now my character and personality have not left you breathless indeed as much as I don't drink, a good make out session of heated passion won't change your mind of how you "view" me. If anything I will have lowered my self worth just to make it easier for you to realize am not worth it. 

If I have no intention of being in a serious relationship with you believe you me I will walk away. I always tell my best friend that I don't mind being the bigger man in any situation. Instead of picking a fight , I would rather go eat or work out ... like I said am ridiculous well ridiculously awesome.

If I like you, I will not hesitate to show my appreciation and loyalty. If I don't like you professionally I will be on my best behavior to not stoop to your level but rather make you come to my level. You may not like me but you will respect me regardless ... Oh I will be sure to give you something to respect me over.

If I don't like you, I will not even make eye contact. To me you simply don't exist. so why waste my perfect vision on a wall while I can admire a gentleman in a suit? Female drama rubs me off in all the wrong ways.so I avoid them all together but if need be well... am always in it to win until the very end.

I am everything you think I am. A fool when inlove, overprotective, obsessed with achieving goals and targets, ambitious, a lady, a tomboy anything you name it. Depending on who is asking I always play along but never allow a situation define who I truly am. 

The one thing that people don't ever get a chance to know about me is that am very spiritual. My relationship with God always comes first. He is my everything for everything I have is his. I am simple yet sophisticated in my own unique way. 

Each lady is special in her own beautiful way so the thought of generalizing me as "you women" has and will never sit well with me. 

I don't expect much other than the very same thing I give out. I am simply me so take it or leave it.

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