Tuesday 18 November 2014

Waking up to sad news is the worst feeling in the world.But like I always console myself, it was fun and there was a reason the person was in your life in the first place.It may not make sense now or ever considering how the situation ends but at one point you knew they were worth meeting you. Atleast I hope they were.I always say it is only too late when the person dies so if that is not the case know at some point in life you will run/bump into them again.

I heard information is power but damn it I did not need this much information.I am too overwhelmed at the moment to digest each and every word uttered. All of a sudden I feel as though none of this is real.Am I living in a dream.Do you mind waking me up and returning me to already has been.I knew I was onto something on my own but when life serves you a reality check, you become numb.No more please.What you don't know wont hurt you but now there is no turning back.One wrong word changed everything and I don't know about other females but for me that is a point of no return.Done!

Things will never be the same again.Ever.The worst mistake any man can ever do is treat a good woman like a side chic. Even worse not apologize but buy his way out. For those of us blessed with jobs I assure you gentlemen that to us rings an alarm that something is wrong. Why are you trying so hard to get me the one thing you know I want? I wish men were just honest. Mature enough to sit us down and tell it like it is. Sure it will sting and hurt like crap but in the end we will end up respecting you instead of finding out on our own or being offered the information by your bestfriend. That leaves a scar. 

Scandal to me right about now feels like reality as opposed to a series. A series of lies.The worst stage any woman can ever be driven to by any man is the doubting stage. If she doubts you she will never trust you ever again meaning chances of the two of you ever being friends again are probably never. You have just earned yourself the silence card. The to me you don't exist zone.Nothing you ever do or say will ever matter.It is worse than being in the enemy zone.

Why can't we all just be honest?You can't handle the truth that is why. You are right because I will use the truth as a woman to punish and get even with you.

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