Tuesday 11 November 2014

Christmas miracle

That is all am waiting for, a Christmas miracle. When you have done all you can then the only thing left to do is surrender. Let it go.... Let things be. All you can do is just wait for an intervention but in my case I prefer a miracle. 

I was watching the ultimate gift movie and it hit me, that is how I have made it this far. By getting rid of all my cheerleaders and prioritizing my true friends. I get that am not the smartest person in the room but with the company of people who bring out the best of me, I end being better than I short saw myself. 

I can't say my inspiration is gone but when you see the only person who made your days on earth less annoying it kinda feels like a kick in the behind. I don't even want to over think the situation because as a lady am allowed to not only change my mind but over think things that just should be left alone. But that only happens when we seek the truth... Answers!!!!

I don't want designer shoes, outfits or bags. I don't really care about the festive feast. I don't want to attend the Christmas Eve in church acting like am so thankful yet deep down I feel like yet again decades later God you made me wait just to spend Christmas alone. Well not alone alone but you get what I mean .

I am just holding my last 2014 breath for a Christmas miracle. I don't want a special delivery from the North Pole heck am in Nairobi Kenya can Santa clause even trace that down? As for what I want am sure the world can wait for I have been extra good this year so I deserve all the best things life has to offer humanity . 

My exceptions and reality are two different things so all I wish...hope for.... is change. Just a simple difference from what people term as "kawaida" . Am done with the routine .... 

Roll in the next month please ....🎄🎁

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