Wednesday 26 November 2014

What is wrong with today's man?

At this rate these men got me wishing that I was born back in the day when it was just about man and God.Sure there was war but it was never about fighting over a woman or men having unrealistic demands.That would make me worse than these type of me generalizing them, so I wont. There are gentlemen out there ladies so before you throw in the towel and reconsider crossing over to the other side ...loving women ...wait just a moment. I know these sad kind of men who have robbed you of what used to be the cool,confident and independent you but who says they have to have the last laugh?That was just but their shallow opinions but then again you have the final say as to who can and can not influence you.Don't you think you have taken this too far?Young lady it is time to claim back you life.Guess what they are still living their lives and loudly just so it sinks in how they were quick to forget that they were the reason you walk around with a bad attitude, mad at the world and bitter than bile.

Goodness who broke your hearts so bad that you think every good woman has to pay?Why is it that these men are transferring their negative energy on innocent woman who are just but genuinely themselves. We don't even want to know who they are or meet them in person considering they did a good job in clouding your judgement about all women. Sad but true. So now apparently these hypocritical men have a type. By these I mean the kind that is quick dismiss a lady based on if she is what he goes for. Get this they want,"A lady with a light complexion, yellow if possible .. with curves in all the right places ...perfect set of breasts ... a small waist...hips that swing and sway as they walk and a behind so beautiful and well built it will leave him thinking he is living in a dream ...long well maintained hair...a beautiful smile with a white set of teeth all in their places ..legs that are not too long or short thin or fat but perfect with matching toe nails well maintained.She should neither be short or long but just in between and dumb." Yes, ladies and the rest of you good men out there, they want the perfect 'trophy' to fit in his 'perfect' life with his 'perfect' friends.the kind that will earn him respect.

If you are tall ...a model....ladies you need to do something about it. Like with all due respect what in the world am I supposed to do, get implants to reduce my God given height or if am dark should I bleach myself just to get a halo? Are these kind of men worth it, never.Ladies,
while you are busy trying to fit in this man's delusion, he will indeed settle down with a version of who you used to be.No matter how appealing these men tend to be and I kid you not they are like little demons, they know what to say, when to say it and even how to say it.They are just too good to be true. Be aware!

Unless you want to cover up a scar that has lowered your self esteem please ladies, don't change anything about yourselves for these for now men. He is thrilled by anything and everything that appears appealing to him for now until he eventually matures up and wants nothing to do with the old him or so he claims. The same way a woman is quick to change her mind, is the same way these men will pass this phase. I believe it is a phase has to be ...Be contented with who you are and the right man will applaud your efforts of simply being you.

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