Thursday 27 November 2014

Things That Have To Go .....

It breaks my heart everytime I witness someone struggle with an insecurity. I know it comes with the human package so whether you like it or not even the people who appear to own it all can not disown this one bad habit. It hurts more when it comes from people you care about and in most cases these are the very same people who have extra ordinary personalities ..they are the kind to comment leaving you all,"ok who says that". Yes, they are that good.

As a lady, sorry gentlemen I can't even discuss leave alone act like I know what you all struggle with or from but from a lady's perspective boy are you all in for a rude shock ...the ugly female truth ...reality.We have weight issues. Yes, I said it. Some of us want it on and others off bottom line being we all want to look as amazing as we feel.Have curves in all the right places and have men drool.We have height issues. Don't even try and deny it ladies ...some of you wish you had some extra height not that you are terribly short but there is something about men and long legs (ladies with long legs). Well, the ladies with 'never ending legs' wish at some point were short.Just to get away with dressing abit dangerously you know.Plus do you know how hard it is to find leave alone date a man taller than 5.9?

The mother of all struggles ...the number one insecurity.....drum rolls color. This has been, still is and will forever be an issue as far as the female species goes. The extremely light and extremely dark will never see eye to eye reason being they have egos longer than the great wall of china. The rest of us in betweeners do try to get along although it is never that easy. That is where we reach a friend-enemy compromise. Sure we will hug it out in public but as soon as you turn or leave best believe I will the one throwing the B word at you ....*Bitch* . That is how gentlemen we have survived. It has nothing to do with am jealous of her or feel as though am better than her it just is what it is.We will never get along.

Back to the main issue insecurities.I have come to a conclusion and a principle am applying in my life.I will never be her, never understand what others see in her that I don't and she and I will never toast to anything in life but I can live my life my way. If men choose to go for another overlooking you no worries, I will move on. If they think she is cooler than I am, again that is their opinion and not the opinion of the rest of the male kingdom so fine by me.If he compares me to her now that is a red flag.That is where I draw the line.I refuse to be subjected to looks as opposed to my actions.I know who I am and what I am capable of so if the people I hang out with don't see that, clearly I am not the problem, they are. So change it.

Listen here ladies with extra beauty (weight) forget hitting the gym just to rock that bikini.Time is of the essence and I guarantee you the minute you become a size zero your mentality will still be of a plus size.So don't change your weight, change your thoughts. Heck you want to swim, screw the models in the rooms , knock yourself out.Either way you swim or not they will laugh and talk behind your back. You know what happens when you face your bullies they back off.They will eventually let you be.Ladies of the wild, ladies of the jungle , my tall sisters, do not be ashamed of the one strength gave you to stand out. Don't rock flat shoes just to see if you can fit in. Stand out and rock that mini skirt even though those predators claim your place in the society is in the convent rocking those robes.

Bottom line is ladies, don't expect a man to come complement you while as all you see in the mirror is ugly with a capital U. You have made it this far so cancel out those 2015 resolutions and draft a new attitude for December better yet today. Garbage in garbage out ...if they don't celebrate you don't tolerate them as well. It takes two to tangle so grab you best feature and dance out your insecurities.While you are busy beating yourself down, time is running out and so are people with the patience to hear you complain time and again that you are not good enough. No one ever is so stop watching people live and live and allow those who don't belong in your life leave.

Things that have to go .......enough said!

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