Tuesday 18 November 2014

If it were not for the internet you would be reading a mind blowing blog about what is currently going through my mind but oh well, that is for another day.I should have saved it on word but when you are working on something juicy the last thing on your mind is saving it.You just want it all out immediately kinda like serving it while it is still hot.

How to get my passion back?Don't get me wrong now but there is nothing exciting about reliving old flames again. To those of you who keep assuming if I had to do it all over again like literally I assure you you would mess up big time. Even if given the chance to relive yesterday, I guarantee you that not only would you make the same mistakes but relive it worse.Which got me thinking if I were to wake up as a socialite, that very same night I would be pronounced dead.Think about it.I am not accustomed to that kind of life style, not judging by the way but I would over do everything. I would drink, smoke, inject and do all sorts of fun filled live in the moment shenanigans.To compensate for the various times I wished I already had such ...money and fun.

Dating or going on a date...wait back up ....accepting an invitation to go out on a day in itself is already a big deal.It feels like a full time job.I job I wouldn't wish upon my very worst enemy .... or maybe I would just to amuse myself. Listen, if you aren't a sadist as far as people you don't like goes, congratulations you are their dart board. Everything negative and bad they always blame it on you and even worse even though life doesn't look up for them atleast they have you to laugh about. True story so quit living in a bubble.Where was I?Oooooooh dating. Goodness even the name itself leaves a bad taste in my mouth.Cable lies alot.They make you believe that there are plenty of fish  out there well to be honest only the odd looking fellas are left in that wagon.No offense but it kinda seems so. All the fine looking brothers are happily married, flashing their wedding bands like you were too little to late.Damn you! Let's not be selfish here, lets not forget gay men are trying to fight for their rights.With all due respect, it's not enough I have to compete with a gazillion other ladies out there young, my age , older and now men ...oh please sit down he-she.

The fear of going on a blind date especially when the two of you have been chatting is how this person truly looks like.Is he as handsome as he comes off across.Does his character match up his enticing words or was he copy pasting this entire conversation? You look nothing like the man I imagined or should I blame it all on my mind? Is this where you get to throw the you had high expectations card?

Certain things that really bother well irritate the skin out of me.Asking me the same old boring questions like how have you been?Where do you live?Do you have more pictures?Are you on Instagram?Can we hook up on the weekend? Seriously gentlemen you better come up with something interesting from what you have already gathered about me not using the same 'get her' game.Understand this with each lady comes a different game plan.Someone of us..well myself, I have mastered a thing or two so avoid the above DON'TS. Like what part of being private don't you get.If there is anything to tell I will but until then don't push it.Most men tend to do that, well I have observed.Trying to rush everything or getting to know her in a day. Take your time. Do your back ground check on her. After all that is why you chase besides what fun would it be if I gave you all the information?

Give me something to be passionate about and I will by all means submit.

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