Tuesday 18 November 2014

How old are you?

How old am I?I don't know old enough to knock some senses into your thick skull or just knock you out.So how is that for an answer?Forget the fact that most if not all men at one point ask you this which is not annoying but when a lady asks he unless she is either my banker , therapist, lawyer or doctor, this does nothing for me. Is it that you are concerned of how old I am or asking that to annoy me. Most shallow and by shallow am sure someone somewhere agrees with me that such a question is irrelevant. Asking me just to make yourself feel younger and more accomplished be it at work or at a social gathering proves to me that I was right about you all along. No wonder I have never liked you.Anyway, good luck trying to pull the forever super sweet sixteen look grandma. Have you ever noticed that most ladies who tend to ask this are usually the ones who are insecure and old looking. Like seriously you are twenty one perhaps your ego is that long but not your face honey.Go easy on the make up...it should highlight your features not leave you looking like you are the face of Halloween in January. Trick or treat clearly to all of us who have met you it was a delightful trick.

To all the mother-in-laws and nagging relatives, get a hobby and quit picking on good ladies who bring more to the table than you often give them credit for.I know you wish you son was dating a hot Brazilian model with an Ethiopian face and a waist of that of a nail.Darling the apple doesn't fall far from the tree so unless you are a perfect example don't cloud your mind with thinking you know what is best for he. He is a grown man if not he wouldn't be having sex or let me guess you are always a speed dial away from guiding him on how to get his love on. Seriously though I plan on being a mother one day and I pray am not the monster-in-law kind. Whatever makes my children happy, I will respect it even though their spouse will have to prove to me that they are there for all the right reasons.Like that is something I expect and will respect from any mother wanting the best for her son but not dictating who she thinks is the best for him. Listen, you can't live your life and live your childrens lives as well.You might end up either messing up or loosing out on both. 

Finally,quit meddling in my life. I love you but don't get it twisted I will kick you to the curb even though we are related. If I don't insist on knowing everything about you then I expect the same respect.I get that you are concerned that I am not getting any younger but that will only lead me to getting into a meaningless relationship  just to get you off my back.That wouldn't be fair to that man or myself. Just do you and trust that I can do me.If God didn't entrust me enough to be team me, am sure he would have made things different so why are you trying to fix something that doesn't need fixing? If men grew on trees I would be gladly pluck one and take him home or cut a branch and go some  but it is not.

It is only frustrating when people make you their business yet their lives are far from being better. Don't use me as an excuse for why things are not working out for you.Since I can't disrespect you by telling you even though it is the right thing to do, I will leave it here for you to read and re-read it over and over again until you realize that age is just but a number.I maybe thirty five and immature or twelve and mature.Bottom line is life is not a respecter of age so why are you trying to define me by how old I am?

Then next time you ask ,"how old are you?" I will gladly respond old enough to do me

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