Sunday 30 November 2014

How To Score On A First Date

I have just been challenged by a certain gentleman to write about this so Sir, consider this my challenge accepted speech (blog). I dread first dates reason being I always have high expectations so hopefully from my own opinion humble or not this is my take on a proper first date.

Look good.I am not expecting you to pull a tuxedo on your way to a date at a common joint. Be realistic and take her where you are comfortable. The most expensive outfit you can pull together and never goes wrong is self confidence.Be yourself. Don't try and win her over only to leave her scared of your indecent approach. Stick to what you know. Don't dismiss her by her looks. Please I know with men it is all about the visual look but please just give her the benefit of a doubt. Most of us ladies, am talking about myself here where I tend to dress down on a first date reason being it's a test to see if he is indeed a gentleman or just a wolf in sheep clothing.

If you want her to think of the next time she is going to spend some alone time with you again two keys things to note down gentlemen. Be spontaneous and don't be obvious.What do I mean by this, this being the modern dating world she expects either a hug or kiss at the end of the date.Be different as much as I know you want to lean over and plant a wet one on her or squeeze her small waist towards your masculine self, control yourself.Wait until she gets home then call her.You don't want her thinking you weren't impressed but rather that you are indeed a proper gentleman.You care enough to want to hear from her again so by calling and not texting it shows that you enjoyed the date.The reason why I would advise any man not to make the first move unless she wants you to by slowly staring into you eyes and lips acting all girlie then that is your queue to give her the best kiss she has been anticipating from you or hugging you too tight and not wanting to let you go is because as the saying goes easy come easy go. You don't want to loose the chemistry by moving too fast.

If you are going for the ultimate 'kill' like having her fall for you on the first date, go the extra mile.Be romantic.Show her a side of you even you never show your boys.Gentlemen by you not being your usual 'badboy' don't mean she will find you a sissy thus friend zoning you.Listen if you want to be with a real woman then you have to be willing to step up and be the exceptional man. You only have this one night to either blow her mind into thinking," where have you been all my life" or "eww I knew he was a jerk all along". Whether you treat her right or not, be sure she will consult with her girlfriend. Let me let you in on a little secret all the friend wants to hear is that she had the time of her life with a good man. She approved in the first place why do you think she agreed to go out with you?

The little things to a woman matter.The little silly yet aww gestures melts even the hardest of hearts.Bringing her a rose on a date, holding her hand while you walk her home, making eye contact while she tells you about herself and smiling /laughing at her jokes or making her laugh, opening the door, pulling out a chair while at the restaurant, paying attention to details like when she shy's away when you complement her...all these small things to a woman well to someone like me, really matter. A man with a sense of humor is a turn on.He makes it easier to open up to than a man who looks like it was either going out with you or going to prison.Clearly prison wold have been a better choice.

 Most importantly acknowledging that she is different from the ladies you have met not only leaves her feeling special but assures her that you are special.

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