Tuesday 18 November 2014

There are two types of men as far as I am concerned the kind you can read in between the lines and the kind am dealing with at the moment.The stubborn, arrogant and un submissive type. I don't know why but the mystery behind all this act thrills me.Truth be told. The more predictable he becomes the less I am interested. I like a man who is all man not that you the reader (gentlemen) are not.A man who keeps me on my toes is worth any consequences.The type that doesn't demand but expects by the way he handles you.He lets me know am his priority although he is still incharge. The type that understands that backing down is not an option.He has to get my full attention.Jealous when am with other men even though he knows they are just friends but composed enough to punish me with his extra attention.

The gentleman kind of man that you can predict his next move is good.Good from far but far from good.He starts off like the kind who wants to settle down.The kind everyone approves of but deep down you know he is putting on an act. He has everyone eating out of his hands with his kind gestures, the kind to 'wait' until you are ready only to realize he was indeed a male prostitute. Yes, he has been everywhere but not with you.You never saw it coming because he had mastered his craft. He was always there or was he? Physically yes...emotionally yes...financially yes ..but what about mentally did you even linger leave alone register in his mind?That is where most women go wrong and end up blaming themselves when he leaves. He got you feeling like you could have done more.what more if I may ask?

The men who always tend to rub you off from the very first encounter end up being the best lovers and friends.Blame it on watching too man movies but somehow it is true.Even though he might not be the 'one' he will always hold a place in your heart.You never forget such men...ever!He ends up surprising you in ways you never would have imagined....they sweep you off your feet and leave you want more.The get the one thing these other 'average looking Joe's " never find ...your heart.

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