Tuesday 11 November 2014

Lost for words

There are certain situations you go through and go like now what? More or less the Riri song what now .... Forget the firm punch in the stomach am talking about you are left feeling like a neglected painting. Well hang on the wall yet no one  wants to stop by and just observe you.... figure you out... At the moment that is how I feel. 

Writing is my therapy. I am hardly in foul moods that is because am always thinking and thinking gets to me to write. Indeed my thoughts inspire me so you could say I am my own inspiration. 

How do you compete with facts? How do you defy your own heart? How do you  balance the brain to agree with the heart? My head is faced with reality yet my heart is lost in hope. Hanging on to heaven knows what.

The timing is wrong. The situation is complicated and the parties involved are too proud to admit that something is wrong. I am always prepared so I hate surprises altogether. Am never surprised in a good way rather always end up disappointed . Does anyone else relate? 

Right now I will believe just anything negative to justify the fact that am not willing to fight but walk away. Am looking for a way to out my thoughts without having to explain why or answer to anyone . Ofcourse am scared of being wrong. The old me would have imagined the situation away but you realize as you mature you don't postpone problems. You solve them head on then move on and life continues.

I don't want to grow up. I want to act like a teenager and have someone else take the blame for it. If that were the case I would not be here writing this. I am not immature leave alone irresponsible so incase anyone else is going through the same shenanigans well then this is what we will do. Nothing! Stay in your lane and if things decide to unfold let them so until then, you are stuck here with me ... for now anyway. 

If it is true then it will be beautiful if not get a shovel because things are about to get ugly. Feeling good and looking good won't be as a result of having a carrot and a glass of water. 

That bikini will not wear itself now will it? Time to eat and look fabulous 

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