Monday 29 June 2015

100 Blogs

I wanted my one hundredth blog to be mind blowing so I will give it my all. So its is possible to fall inlove with a married man? Yes and no. Ladies before you dismiss me this soon kindly read on. Put the knife down there is no need of taking drastic measures here. Yes it is possible for two mature human being with extra baggages to fall in love with someone else even if its not with their spouses.There is this couple that I know of who had a beautiful union and did I forget to mention I looked up to the lady. I saw myself in her. Like growing up I wanted my life to unfold as beautifully as hers had unfolded. The man she settled for was not what the rest of us who truly knew her ended up with. Lets just say she settled for the readily available man so I assumed but now it has all been confirmed. I am not here to gossip nor lender juicy information or out anyone, am just here to share and hope that someone going through the same thing will not only learn but change their lives sooner than later.

Where was I, oh, turns out my so called then role model was like today's modern knight and shinning amor nothing more than a cheap aluminum foil for his shine and the knight lets just say at this gay rate well, anything is possible. How could such a human being so calm and convincingly beautiful be a heartless and bitter old witch? What makes me mad is the modern day couple that takes their vows in church and promise all those words to not only each other but God then cheat. Like seriously why go through all that trouble to prove a point to your fellow human being who in real sense can see past the act you are putting on but to go further and involve God then cheat? Really I don't support divorce but this would come in handy. We serve a merciful God so he knew you couldn't handle going home to the same old routine so instead of getting yourself a side hobby try working the marriage out if you got in it for all the right reasons and if it still doesn't work out, leave. Don't even think of using the kids as an excuse to stick around .I will come back to the kids issue.

Long story short she married the man because all her life all she ever wanted was move out and have kids while he married her even though he was inlove with another but chose this other one reason being there was no dowry involved. Allow me to throw in my ,"cheap is very expensive." I don't believe in free samples. I would rather purchase the whole deal it ends up disappointing me leaving me with a little knowledge rather than always looking for the easy way out. The best thing about owing something you did not work hard for is, its always available but the worst thing about the very same thing is that it doesn't last. You will never understand and appreciate the value for it. It takes two to tangle. See ladies when you think you are playing the man in his own game thinking of how you got him all under your spell, he read inbetween your bull ages ago and that is why he has been playing along. Men always know. They just like acting the fool and it works for them.

What happens when a married man finally meets his missing rib while the one he is with has been by his side all along? Unlike us ladies, men don't show it. Even though he is dying to be with the one he truly wants to be with, he can't because he is committed to you unless you do something way too stupid for him to up and leave. When a man decides to stay by a woman's side he does just that even though he might not be emotionally available but initially he does his best by her. That is why he will give her the ultimate gifts. The best of houses, cars, jewelery and wear his title as your man proudly. Anything to make you happy. When a single lady falls inlove with a married man its considered as a taboo. She is a home wrecker. But what if there is nothing to wreck because there was never a marriage to begin with? What if he stayed by your side because he got you pregnant and had to do the right thing?

Lets be real now. There is no such thing as a married man being inlove with a single lady. We all know he is looking for someone who will listen to his short lived drama and go back to his loving wife. The one that everyone else knows and not you the hidden church mouse. Society knows you are after him for his money and influence. You silly little hormonal girl, keep you thighs locked. You think you have anything special that he hasn't already explored in his God given wife. She made that man who he already is so while you swing your self made hips from east to west bear in mind that is how he got her pregnant in the first place. You are bringing nothing new in the game other than a new face with polished already in use moves. What you are looking for grasshopper is a sponsor someone to finance you so thank heavens for banks so get yourself a loan and while at time an education least you roam around like a stray dog. I know all the married women are loving me now and the tagged home wreckers cursing me out. I don't make the rules dears, I just play the game as it is. I am simply stating facts.

Married or single, ladies you have one thing in common, this man.So while you are tearing each other apart instead of taking care of your man, you are busy going through his phone, getting the other ladies numbers , warning them to keep away from your man and you 'home wrecker' walking around claiming sharing is caring nonsense sit your behinds and listen to me. Married ladies, if he is cheating, chances are he didn't start now and you knew it.You just thought by him making it official that you are his wife would make him a better man. Quit taking it out on this other ladies but if you want to lead him straight to cutting you off (financially ) play your cards right. Home wreckers there is more to life than draining the life out of a good hardworking man.Get your own money then have someone else come drain your few coins then lets see if you still find it cute.

As far as love and marriage goes, until I cross that bridge my opinion doesn't matter to those who feel like they know it all already. But to those willing to listen rather learn from someone who is not involved with either party, take notes baby girl and do what you can while you still can.

And that is my one hundredth blog #RealityCheck

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