Wednesday 24 June 2015

The mystery of life

In my opinion I think life is one big mystery that keeps unfolding both old and new parables told back in the days of Jesus. Think about it. So right now am onto ,"The Parable Of The Wise And Foolish Virgins". This is pretty interesting and it got me trying to figure out what am meant to learn from this. 

Virgin in this case is being used to symbolize chosen. Only you can be assigned. You are well sought out so its not by default or coincidence things keep happening just to you and not those around you. Now that you know quit complaining and read on. Just like the wise and foolish virgins you have to wait. There was a process where they had to go through *waiting* inorder for them to go in the wedding with the bridegroom. 

The bridegroom in your case might be that one thing you have been patiently waiting for. If you haven't had to wait then probably that is why it never lasts every time an opportunity presents itself. The question is just how bad do you want it?If virgins considering back in the day they were considered to be a big deal please take no offense to what comes next but do you think after all the shenanigans you have pulled you deserve a reward? Be honest. 

The wedding in this case comes with the bridegroom not the virgins. Highlight that in your mind. So the one thing you are dying to get your hands on comes with a celebration. So if you already got what you were hoping for and you are still waiting for the big aha moment, it's not the right thing. I think you mistook the distraction for the real deal. Ladies and gentlemen this is where I ask both of you to reflect as so will I as soon as am done writing this. 

The wise and foolish in this case represents who you are. Your character and personality the two things you cannot fake out. If it's in you, it will come off naturally but if others find you struggling to fit in with them the. It's not in you. Foolish are those kinds of people who think the world revolves around them. It always have to go their way or no way. If I can't have you then no one else can kind of vibe to them. Wise are those who decern when the foolish are putting on a show. They sit and watch. They always allow others take credit for their hard work. They know things even though they never show it outwardly. 

Back to my story, the two parties wise and foolish had another thing in common, they all slumbered and slept as the good book puts it. See at some point even the wise get tired of always being good the same way the foolish want a break from being bad. But just before they slept, it says,"those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. In English, the wise will always have an extra something * I don't know or rather cannot put my finger around it but there is something about her/him* while the foolish are quick to cross the finish line without proper preparation.

This is the part I like the most when a cry was heard," behold the bridegroom is coming" and what follows next is what most of us have and are suffering from. It says the foolish said to the wise ," give us some of your oil for our lamps are going out".  See, the foolish had the same opportunity as the wise but how the wise went about it is what made the difference . But the wise answered saying ,"no,lest there should not be enough for us and you but go rather to those who sell and buy for yourselves." In other words the right will present itself when the foolish will ask and you being wise you will have the chance to talk. 

Let's be real no matter how crazy you are about someone of something and it's not meant to be present in the future when you get your clean break, you can't string it along. You have to cut it off or out. In life we all want to move on and sure enough we make bold steps towards the future but sadly we always want to tag along with the past baggage. We have even gone a step further to claim ," my past is who I am." To be honest I will never apologize for walking away and out on people who still live in their past. Move on already better yet get out of my way. What happened in the past made you who you are and it prepared you for what is yet to come but you are nothing like the person you were years ago. Better perhaps, worse then that is the choice you made.

The parable to me the name itself screams you as an individual like this had nothing to do with how you were raised or what others say about you but rather you as your own person are you whole enough to be termed as wise or foolish ? By this I mean, is it that opportunities have never presented themselves or have you been talking yourself out of them? How can you wait for the very same thing you claim to need and want in every breath of you and yet approach each day with a bad attitude. If negativity had an ambassador you would probably wear the title proudly for people know you as a sadist. Nothing good or positive will ever come out of you. Ugly doesn't mask it reveals the true identity of a person. Not even dura coat, Sadolin or Crown will conceal the ugly in you baby girl. 

So now tell me, have you been wise or foolish in how you have been handling your life and those around you? 

That is my #RealityCheck 

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