Thursday 11 June 2015

Let me in

That is what we all want gentlemen for you to let us in even though it's not all the way in. It's assumed that women are open books they want the same things , love money and a good man by her side. Getting one of the three is nothing short of a miracle. If he loves you chances are he has no money. If he has money, you are definitely not the only one on his mind. If he is by your side he neither loves you nor has money. He needs you there for moral support.

That seems to be the one struggle we suffer from as far as men goes. Getting him to let you in. Knowing who he is all about. His weakness mess and strengths. He only wants to be who you think he is and not who he truly is. Just like us, men are scared of letting heir guard down for any woman unless you are his mum or his favorite sister. The rest of the women are to be toyed with for lack of a better word. But isn't that the ugly truth. 

He led you to believing you were the only lady that mattered. His "honesty" made you feel like you knew him. Like he could see through your soul. He knew what to say, how to say it and when to say it. Every time you told yourself to stay away or not give too much away, he made you trust him even more. Like how did you do that. You thought you were figuring him out and even told yourself that unlike other ladies he would find something special enough to stay. Well it must have been special enough for him to leave. Don't take this the wrong way and this is not me being sarcastic but am being real. You must have scared the living daylight  out of him so needed to be with someone familiar you know more predictable. 

I have promised myself to never get involved with a man who has a female friend whom he has let in. The one he calls when all he wants to do is talk, texts to share something silly and the one even his friends have met and think she is pretty incredible. Who wants to be second to such. I mean she has already set way too high standards so in other words other than us being intimate and having the title his girlfriend there is nothing special about me. Thanks but no thanks .... I will pass.... 

I want to be the one person who knows him so well that even when everyone else is convinced he is happy all I have to do is look into his eyes and know he is settling out of convenience. I want to be the one his friends are jealous about. He may be out with his make friends but still sneaks out to call and let me know how his day is. I want to be the one he kicks himself when he hurts or disappoints.

So what happens when you leave? That is a chance men are never willing to take so why go deep when the situation "us" is only temporary? The least he can do is allow you to dump him when in actual sense he left ages ago. Personally, I don't need half of any man. If you are going to be there be there is not then leave. Men have mastered the art of being in a lady's life but emotionally he is single. Financially he knows how to compensate but he is only covering up for the fact that you will never get him they way another gets him. 

This is how to know if a man is emotionally single or taken. It's called common sense . If he is with someone emotionally no matter how tempting you are he is a man at the end of the day he will flirt you up but that is the furthest he can go then not act on his luck if not lust. If he is emotionally single he will not allow any opportunity pass him by. He will taken on the invitation chasing the other lady acting all single though in real sense he is taken but not emotionally. 

Ladies ask any man out there what you are willing to do inorder for him to let you in and the answers they will give you will leave you speechless. There is no formula for men to let us in less he wants you in. If you were childhood friends growing up perhaps he can let you in if he liked you. Timing is everything and a divine connection can't lie as much as he will want to start acting up. 

And that is my #RealityCheck 

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