Tuesday 9 June 2015

Yeah, I kinda knew ...

I hate being in the dark, the victim and the one in the situation. I can't seem to think straight no matter how many times I try to shake it off, I always end up reasoning with my emotions. We as ladies know of how to dress up the situation but men have the easy way out or so I assume considering they always act as if nothing happened. Hey, something happened. The least any lady wants to know is that you are affected by the same situation but I wouldn't recommend faking it ever no matter how brutal you may come off don't pretend.

The part I dread the most is having to share the situation with others and them going all, " well, we kinda knew rather saw that coming". Wait you did? Then why didn't you warn me is always my to go to card then they pull a fast one on me by saying that it was not in their place  to say anything. But years later when you are sober you start to understand this   Yeah,I kinda knew talk. For anyone who has never learnt from their mistakes, you are reading the wrong blog. For those of you who do, zoom in. 

Not knowing.... Not having seen the signs .... Come on, you knew deep down and you ignored the signs. This is how you knew, the party mentioned it twice or thrice and even went a step further to show you that they meant business by dropping in alarming signs. I don't blame you though, you must have been the loyal kind that always sees the best in everyone. Worse off you started making excuse for them. Oh, it's staring to make sense now doesn't it. 

Learn to listen to your inner voice. Your gut feeling that warns you every time to try to do something you initially knew wouldn't work. How can you trust others if you can't trust you with yourself first. Trust your judgement regarding any situation. You would rather be wrong than right and not take a stand. You have to love yourself a little too much to want the best for yourself. You can't give that which you don't already have and you can't receive that which you have not accustomed yourself reason being it will end up overwhelming you. 

Good from far but far from good, yeah, I kinda knew...... 

That is my #RealityCheck 

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