Tuesday 2 June 2015

When you left I was forced to pick up the pieces

It's rather or almost never when a lady leaves a man to be with another. In most cases it's usually the man. Most opt for the easy way out by leaving the signs for you to read inbetween. Like if he used to call, he only texts and keeps it brief,"hi,bye,9t,ok" anything to avoid engaging the lady in a conversation. 

When that happens and it does a lot, the very same men expect you to keep up. By keeping up I mean carrying on as though what the two of you had meant nothing. Yet they keep blaming be the female species for watching too many soap operas? Look who has decided to act all "white". You don't expect her to congratulate you a day after breaking her heart you are all smitten by another. See gentlemen it doesn't work that way so most of us tend to think we'll assume that basically most men are heartless. The beginning , inbetween and end was all about him and never us leave alone her.

Move on! Move on to what? Sure just like men we ladies can keep up appearances but what of the pain? What are we supposed to do with this not good enough mentality you have instilled so indirectly by moving on to another without even as much as giving us closer.
Most men claim that they don't want to cause you any more pain altogether by telling to exactly how they feel as far as the break up goes.

My take on this is simple, if you were man enough to undress her then man up and address the issue at hand. Enough of the bull talk,"am not good with words, I don't know how to express myself" well you had no problem lying on top of her whispering all sorts of unscripted words in the how to get some book. 

When it comes down to settling down now the roles are reversed. Me. Claim that there are no good women left. Well they are there some covered in bitterness others wrapped in their past but not unless all your life you have been nothing short of a saint don't expect a perfect lady.

The number of women out in clubs drinking , engaging in prostitution and drugs is increasing each passing day and these very same women have one species to blame it on,"male". What you don't understand is as much as we ladies are emotionally attached we can easily let go the same way we easily fall. Most men are turning good women not bad but worse due to this minor disease called miscommunication. 

Gentlemen, you need to talk. Handle your business and if not don't be mad when another man steps in and handles it. That is why when asked why she is the way she is she says,"when you he left I was left to pick up the pieces". Purchasing expensive clothes and transforming how you look doesn't do anything on the inside. A million and one complements cannot fix a broken heart. Only time and someone willing to work on themselves can truly say ,"I moved on" and laugh about the past. 

That is my 6:12 reality check 

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