Monday 8 June 2015


Getting your enemy to trust you to me is the ultimate achievement. When you get them to buy into whatever it is that you are selling gives you the power but this is where you change your game plan. Getting them to believe you was one thing but now getting them to not get you in your own game should be the main focus. 

When the enemy starts camouflaging all your sense should be alert. When they start dressing in a you manner and hanging out with your circle of friends this is where most of you go wrong by addressing the situation. What you see as a problem I see as an opportunity to get them where you want them. Caged. Cornered by not using your words but by out smarting them with your actions. 

The reason why the above *enemy* became the so called is because they were your fan to begin with. Then you got something or became someone they always admired in the nitro and when reality checked in that they would never be you they opted to be better than you regardless of whatever price they had to pay. 

The reason why we sober humans who appear to be leaders of our enemies are easily annoyed by them is not because they are malicious but because we can see past the act that they have crafted so careful and sold it to unknowing victims. Thus the need to always work in teams if not pairs to try and get you out of the way.

They need your approval so bad that is why when nothing is working on the other side, they start showing up in your lane. That is why I always refer to them as sad creatures. They are so unhappy with themselves thus the need to steal well try and steal another's identity. For a couple of months say three (3) they seem to get away with everything you have worked for. Think about it they always have the trophy packages for the ladies and as for gentlemen they come off looking like clowns. 

At the illusion of having things going their way they never stop. They always pull that "stupid" move that gets you going like why did they do that? That was so predictable. Yes to you they are predictable but to everyone else they are the life of the party. They are the kind that I refer to as and this line is borrowed ," bicycle faces with ranger rover appetites." They love the finer things in life even though they can't afford it. 

They always order the same old same old  because in their minds they have to keep up with the trends. The ladies dress as video vixens to a 8am to 5pm corporate job just incase an invitation pops up. Any day is drinking time and they never say no. No matter how many sponsors they get in a day they never turn down any offer. What makes me mad though is how less they think of themselves when it comes to feeding habits. They can never spend anything more than two hundred shillings to enjoy a decent meal unless it's your treat then the madness will unfold. 

When they start trying to live it up all up in your space, back off. Acting the fool pays off. They think by hanging out the very same places you will make them more popular thus drawing more attention to them. That is a sign of victory if you ask when. That is them trying to reach out to you for an apology indirectly. It's like suspecting that your spouse is cheating ladies and calling the other woman. By you swallowing your pride to call and insult her doesn't mean you will get her off your mans back but rather what you don't understanding is the minute you call her, it means she not only matters to you and this so called relationship but she means something to your man this the need to call her and get her to back off.The side chick wins. 

The enemy knows you have something on them thus the need to try and apply the keep your friends close but your enemies even closer card. It's not hard to read an enemy like I said they are predictably boring. So don't hold it against their victims by cutting them off or letting them back on your life, hey am not here to tell you what to do but rather guide you on how to go about this whole enemy situation. Identify who he/she and learn them but whatever you do, don't entertain them. Beat them at their own game by serving them a checkmate. 

And that is my #realitycheck 

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