Monday 22 June 2015

My Monday 5:25pm thought

Am too old fashioned for life. I still believe that moving in with a man before he officially marries me is a taboo. The thrill of not knowing is what makes me wait and long for the day he will ask for my hand in marriage the right way. I know what you are all thinking or secretly asking,"do I believing in saving myself until marriage?" That is a personal choice . Whatever helps or works for you then do it. Personally I believe that when two people are inlove and want to take things to the next level they should do just that. Even moving in together although it's not my cup of tea. The reason why am hesitant is because at the end of the day, the man already knows he wants to settle but he is not sure if it's with you thus moving in together. There are cases where the ladies have forcefully moved in by leaving that extra set of clothes from having a sleep over to sneaking in during the week to finally marking your territory by introducing yourself as his wife.

Let's be honest. Some of you ladies go way too far. If not let me ask you this, did he ask you to move on or did you leave him no choice but to assume you should move in? The good news is ladies you will never be alone and the bad news is you might end up being the loneliest taken lady on the face of the universe. You are simply going home to your roommate. You both want to leave but can't because the thought of having to start all over again with someone else if there is still anyone out there who will have you is not an option. Settling out of convenience. 

I am too old fashioned to ask him out. That double mint advert got my ribs cracking. Has it come to that already where even society and by society I mean men expect women to approach them? No wonder am still single waiting for this man to come ask me out and he expecting me to take the intitiative. Surely, I will die alone. Oh well, Atleast I will get to blog about the cold nights *laughs* 

And that is my #RealityCheck 

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