Monday 8 June 2015

Make believe

We all put on shows. That is the worst disadvantage of being perfectly human. I assure you that even the most wealthy legends have put on shows reason being the show must go on. It's hilarious for those who understand but not everyone gets my sense of humor and I am okay with that. 

You cannot survive on pain or lack because the minute you loose your ability to hope or believe you lack it all. In the wise words of Donald Trump ,"without passion you don't have energy, without energy you have nothing." So what do you do in the process when things don't unfold as you had hoped for, you make believe. 

That is the difference between people who get attention and those who have earned. Getting attention initially takes time but not as much time as warning. The process of earning attention leaves you too drained because it's more of a do or die kind of thing. 

The things couples put up with all in the name of "us" and for what to avoid being tagged as alone leave alone single? Really you going to let things go that far? Someone of you may be reading this and cursing me out all in the name of you don't understand. You are right I don't understand how you allow yourself get to this point in life but please feel free to justify the fact that you helped that man become who he is today and how he will never love another the way he loves you or better yet how at the end of the day he comes home to you. 

That make believe is what makes most people dread marriage leave alone being in a relationship. Like I always highlight am not married so I know nothing about that ship so I will talk about it when I get there. There is no mr or miss right. That is what they made you believe. Of course there is. You are your own mr right and I am my own miss right. So when we combine our chemistry and down play the madness *it always comes with the package* we can be timeless. 

I am not talking about perfect because last I checked only God is perfect so how about not putting on a show starting from now. Back in the day people used to put on shows as far as relationships go to fit in to prove to society. Sadly that level of sheer madness has gone as far as trying to prove to the parties involved and by that I mean, you are only dating me to prove to yourself that you can land an ambitious modern version of miss independent. 

Let me ask you this," why are you with the one you are with?" Don't think just answer. I guarneree while reading that question you already had the answer in your mind which is the truth and not the make believe you want to tell yourself. Is it because dating feels like a job interview whereby you have what it takes but no one is willing to take a chance on you? Is it because they are available in that she is always there you don't even have to ask? Is it because someone broke your heart and you promised yourself that you would anything and I mean anything and everything possible to make this one last? Is it because you have heard it told yourself there is no one else out there left? Is it because he/ she fits in your circle like a bonus to your line of work I mean a C.E.O needs to have the ideal family? Is it because the one that got away settled for someone else so you are with this one out of spite to prove a point that two can play that game? Is it because you got her pregnant so you feel the obligation to stay by her side? Is it because he provides for you after all he pimped the village out of you? Is it because people thought you two would look good together? Is it because you thought your biological time was ticking? Is it because it's expected of you or tradition? Is it because you want them the way they want you or more? Is it because they are the one you thought you could never have? Is it because you can't wait to wake up next to them in the morning and tell them of how much you love them?

The make believe lies behind the fake smiles and the sad eyes. All you to do to know the difference is listen and see. What they are saying and how they are saying it. 

That is my #realitycheck 

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