Monday 22 June 2015

Monday motivation

When you don't feel like it, that is when you should make it happen. That is when your guard is down. Ladies when you feel as though today is not a good day, nothing seems to work out for me not even my favorite pair of jeans that is when you should love yourself most. Be your own biggest fan. This when the mind and eyes have differences. You mind knows you look good but when you view your reflection on the mirror you see something totally different. 

I don't know if men struggle with that but for us ladies best believe that is why I will be ready in five minutes becomes a chase. See I already know what looks good on me and the minute I wake up I already have an idea of what I want to look like when I leave the house. But inbetween getting ready and putting on that pair of heels, things change. Gentlemen, I am not talking about just getting another pair to match the outfit but changing the entire outfit all together. 

I don't know about other ladies but personally I have suffer from this a lot. I wake up pretty early and in my mind I already know I have ample time to look presentable. So if am up by 5.30am you would assume by 6:15am latest I would be out of the house? Wrong! By the time am done, it's quarter to 8.00am. Like I said I have a struggle. You would think by then I would be a mere reflection of a Barbie doll but no. No major difference. No magic. Nothing short of a miracle.  Being a lady is hard work this coming from someone who used to rock hoodies , converse and buggy jeans. 

Growing up I made it a priority for people to like me for my character and personality and not by how I dressed or looked to those who mattered anyway. I was going to pursue my care in criminal law so the only thing I would put together was a suit for the courtroom and two inch heels considering I would have already purchased my dream car. I didn't even have time for relationships in my mind. He would have slowed me down.that was me years ago although deep down I would have an affair with my fellow lawyers though I would use then dump them for those lonely nights. 

Judging me so far? Good! That's how I like my crowd with opinions but most of all to get a kick out of what would have been my life. Baby girl had dreams. Back to reality. Nothing much has changed especially when it comes to believing in myself. No one not even the greatest love of mylife will love me past my own self. So I have to do the very best by always being the one to beat myself down and picking myself up. I always think am a one woman empire until the day someone makes their way in my enchanting castle, bring down the walls and allow some light in. 

The difference between the living and the dead is for us living we get a second chance to make things right. So don't just say you don't feel like it just because it proves difficult. There is a reason you thought of it in the first place and if you don't work on it, I bet it will kill you watching someone else do it and benefit greatly from it. So do it. The worst that can happen is it succeeding. 

And that is my #RealityCheck 

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