Sunday 21 June 2015

Father's Day

Yeah, yeah, yeah any man can be a dad but it takes a man blah blah blah to be a father. Enough already. To me every man is fertile but it takes that special moment to bring a child into this life other than rape. It takes two to tangle. You both know what you are getting yourselves into. I have heard cases of ladies who had no idea that they were pregnant . Some truth others well let's just say lying is how they have earned their living. 

My father is the best thing that my mother could raise me with. He is a godly man. A man after God's heart so even though he is not the best lover she had in mind, he has done the best by her side. He loves her the same way he loves Christ. He adores my mother. Even now that am old enough to leave and start a family of my own, you can catch him stealing glances of her when she walks past him and he even goes as far as tickling her. It's true that true love never dies. The minute kids come in the picture, loves changes and somehow shifts from the man to their kids. The kids become the first priority, ask any mother most of them anyway.

My father is my hero. Nothing is impossible with this amazing man. He has never raise his hand towards my mother unless when scratching her back* typical teenagers*. My folks act as though we don't exist. As if they just met for the first time. Even though my mother plays hard to get at times *now I know where I get it from* deep down we know she adores him as well and it's evident by how she treats him as her king. I envy what they have in that the now modern man only wants to test drive the different women in his life the ones he couldn't get when he was flat broke and the ones he knows are totally forbidden. Finding such a love is rare. I just hope to get a quarter of that. True love takes time and effort and it's undeniable . When you know, you simply know. 

My father has taught me things both directly and indirectly. No he has never given me the boy talk. He already assumes my mother has that department well handled. I would hate to disappoint them. You know how they say every girl looks for her father in every man, in a way I hope I do in the sense of my very own loves Christ as much as he loves me. 

I am not looking, that is not my work. I just need to work on my fifty percent and hope wherever he is, he is doing the same then it will work. I am not going to compare him to any other man even though I will be tempted to. Hey, am only human here. Instead I hope he sees what my father and those around me see, the greatness hidden behind this shy smile. I hope he helps me work on it. My father unlike any other man out there believes that there is nothing his little wonder can't achieve. So I try I very best each day to make him proud of me by staying true to who I am. 

In conclusion, a father to me is one who has a relationship with God, lives in love with his family and those around him and is at peace with himself. Now that kind of a man deserves the title father. It doesn't matter if you have kids or not all that matters is the impact you leave with the people in your life. Are you straying true to who you are or are you trying to please society? A father always stands out this outstanding .... I had to write it *giggles*

And that to me is my Father's Day #RealityCheck 

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