Wednesday 10 June 2015


Men who wear sharp shooters have small feet. It has been confirmed. I have conducted a test with a friend and it turns out they are worse liars than ladies who actually bleach themselves. So underneath those funky shoes lies small feet *giggles* . He has begged me not to blog about this assuring me that he has a juicy story he wants me blog about. I have thought long and hard well I haven't to be honest considering he was just from teasing me. 

It's safe to say men just like us ladies are insecure this the need to want to cover up. So ladies the next time you think of beating yourself down thinking that you are not good enough for that man, know that and this is a possibility am not ruling out thanks to my new discovery, that man is also feeling as though he is not good enough for you. 

Incase you have ever played your part all too well as the good girlfriend and still he left or cheated chances are he used to wear sharp shooters *laughing sheepishly* . You are not the problem , he was. He needed to feel like all man and couldn't feel that with you so he had to downgrade. Wipe those tears off your face and wait for the next man. Hopefully he not be rocking some sharp shooters *bursts into laughter* . Am sorry I had to go there. 

Stay warm #checkmates 

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