Monday 22 June 2015


From dreaming to write an article on True Love magazine to sharing my shenanigans in my own little world. It has been quite a journey. I have given up, used the f word a couple of times as far as this blog is conecrened and even thought of deleting this account. What can I say am a lady. I am allowed to change my mind. 

I have my favorite pieces in this and some which I wish well, at the end of the day I stand by my own truth. Everything I have written was from my heart. Yes, I wrote all that. Like I said am a lady, I have  had so much going on, plenty going on and still so much to look forward to. Am annoying and stubborn and there is nothing wrong with being different. I can be sweet but too much sugar can cause tooth decay so I don't mind being hot sweet kinda like the sauce *laughing sheepishly*.

Getting one thousand views is nothing short of a miracle. It means word is getting out there. Don't worry I won't start polishing up my English by using terms that don't express me. I like keeping it simple. Long but simple *all the men must be pissed by now*.

I am in a relationship with this blog and like any other, at times I love it too much and find myself sharing in the hope of making a difference in someone's life. I don't want you to read this and think damn this lady must be pathetic or you start feeling sorry for yourself thinking you are all alone and no one understands. Fine I don't understand but I hope by reading what I write makes you look forward to a new day to start afresh something that nearly all of us dread. 

I am humbled considering I have no idea who reads my shenanigans. It must be interesting so I don't plan on stopping. I might get bored or lack inspiration at the moment but the minute that little spark comes back on best believe this girl will be on fire *too much ... I know* 

Thank you checkmates for keeping me in check and for the one thousand view reality. I promise not to allow the immediate go to my head. To stay humble. Humility pays off. If it were not for True Love Magizine rejecting my special piece I wouldn't have found the courage to start this blog. At times it takes rejection to create an opportunity. I did not allow what I had to say through my words be limited so I took the positivity out of a negative situation and ran with it. I has postponed writing way too long and so I hope someone gets inspired from my rejection and create something beautiful. They say where there is a will, there is always a way. I found my way. What's yours? 

And this is my thank you #RealityCheck

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