Tuesday 30 June 2015


This little bad habit is known to be mans worst disease and if you can or when you can avoid it. When an idea creeps up in your mind, don't let it get the best of you but use it to calm the worst in you. This is what you simply do, think the worst. Expect the worst and I assure you with that mind set you will have a care free spirit. At the end of the day you will have accomplished what you were supposed to because you did not give fear a chance. 

You would rather be wrong and be proven right than right and prove wrong. If you have the facts of course you expect the situation or our come to be positive so when it takes a different turn, you become stuck. Confused allowing paranoia destroy the inner peace you need to face any situation. You shouldn't live life on fear but you should enjoy life as it unfolds. Whether right or wrong at the end of the day what matters is your gut feeling. If you can be at peace with yourself then rest assured you can be at peace with anyone. 

Insecurity forces you to hide out in crowds so everything they disagree you tell yourself that indeed it's not right. You will always ask, seek and need their approval even for the littlest of things. Why should you be a slave to yourself? You are supposed to rediscover what limits you and how far you can go and not live your life in the shadows of others.

Insecurity goes a step further and brings with it the illusion of wanting to live your life as someone else. From idolizing to imitating their every move. It can lead to murder. The need to kill what you don't like to live as what you think or have lead your mind to believe is good will only cause you and those around you problems. 

Learn to accept yourself as you are. Hey, no one can do a better job at being you than you. There is a reason you craft that art so beautifully. Good or bad we all can't be equal but you can use what you have to better someone else. So as we bid June goodbye and look forward to a new month, let's not face it with any insecurities in mind. It might not be what we hope for but am sure it will be better. 

No more doubt or second guessing yourself. No more having to do what you think others want you to do and start living for you. Do what makes you happy and proudly because at the end of the day you will be served the consequences so you better make it worthwhile. No more insecurities, it's time to make things happen. Whatever happens happens. Remember worrying doesn't change anything but gains you stress and ages you faster. 

And that is my Insecutity #RealityCheck

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