Tuesday 2 June 2015

From cute to annoying

At first everything he did was just so beautiful. The way he walked like he owned the place , inhaled and exhaled like a new mustang ready to race, smiled like he was on a Colgate advert, laughed like he knew my deepest secret and gazed at me as though he gained his sight for the very first time. He was more than a gentleman, he was me perfect. He could never do any wrong by me. That is how a woman smitten sheepishly inlove reasons. She sees him and she knows why God created her to be swept away. 

One reason is enough to get a woman from cloud nine to the very pit of hell and back worse than the devil. Not from experience but due to the fact that am a woman. We can go overboard. From her idolizing you to her making your life a living hell. Welcome to planet Earth. Where the world is ran by men but controlled by women. That is why it's safe to say a,"a mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy and another woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes". 

Women can be convincing going back to the story of creation clearly Eve was a master in convincing Adam. The one thing men forget is no matter how good women are they will always be two steps ahead. Some men have fallen prey of these greedy women who are only with them for what they have;money, influence and power. It doesn't matter how unattractive a man is as long as he has the three or one of them he is what they term as the duke of ugly. In simpler terms I am good looking enough for the two of us just maintain this look and we will never have a problem.

The minute this set of parasites get what they want their true colors start to show. They have nothing to loose after all they have you where they wanted you, right at the bottom yet somehow high on the . I still don't know how they have mastered  that art. I at times question of am a lady because I wouldn't go to such extremes considering I can get it by working hard for it. But I guess their secret must be work smart not hard. So that is where I go wrong? Noted. 

So now these kind of females turn the tables. From cute to annoying. Everything about this man turns you off. Even the mention of his name leaves a bad taste in your mouth. She starts avoiding you not because she is playing hard to get bit because she is done and looking for a new prey ... I mean man. So if you have ever been in  a conversation with a lady talking ill about another man, you are next 

Now that is my 6:44 reality check  

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